
Bomb Squad

The fresh scent of fall air, the crust of paint on your face, and the hoarse feeling of a lost voice. This can only mean one thing: The BHS Bomb Squad is back.
Anyone who has ever been in the high school should know about the notorious Bomb Squad. The dedicated, proud fans that brave the elements and cheer their hearts out until their vocal chords can bear no more. Most commonly seen at home football and basketball games, the rowdy fan section is looking to expand their horizons in the form of diversified attendance and added spirit during games in several forms. This year’s Senior Bomb Squad leaders, Dane Heckmann and Ricky Capossela, are very excited about the upcoming season.
“Whether it be Football, Basketball, or any sport here at Brookfield, our fans just make a difference. At BHS, home field advantage is real,” says Capossela, who is as excited as anyone to get the season underway. “With new chants and traditions we have planned, this should be the best year yet.” The senior leaders had much to say about all of the school-spirited plans.
“Because of how loud we are and how into the game our fans are, we are the unofficial 12th man on the field,” commented Heckmann, who, like Capossela, inherited the role of Bomb Squad leader by being chosen to receive the sacred “staff” from last year’s graduating class. Heckmann stated, “The amount of tradition we have is unparalleled, and the Bomb Squad is known throughout the state a a force to be reckoned with.” These leaders will do anything they can to boost school spirit.
However, the Bomb Squad was not always the cohesive unit it is today. In the past four years, attendance and participation at games has risen exponentially. By increasing their social media presence and becoming more creative in getting the student body involved, the leaders know the fan section is as strong as ever. “We made a Twitter account this year in order to get the word out easier and promote,” Heckmann stated. By naming the group and starting a Facebook page as well, students who participate feel part of something larger than themselves, and part of a group that has a purpose: to always support their peers on the field. Also, the leaders stated they have been making signs and have been decorating the bleachers in order to mark the student section territory.
Every good fan section has a signature chant, and the Bomb Squad’s chant is echoed throughout the school. The focal point of the Bomb Squad is the well-known “I Believe” chant, which is adopted from the Utah State University fans, and is loved by Capossela. “As far as ‘I Believe’ goes, it is what other towns know us for, and is the perfect mix of support for the team and fun for our fans.” Anyone who comes to football games knows this is where fans get most rowdy.
Freshman who have never seen the Bomb Squad in action or do not know the chants should have no fear, as the pep rally this year should feature a portion where the chants are taught to the upperclassmen so they can be passed on to the next generation. “ We are always looking for ways to get more people at games. It doesn’t matter who you are, as long as you are willing to support,” Capossela says. When it comes to getting loud, the more the merrier.
All in all, this year is shaping up as the best one yet for the BHS Bomb Squad. By raising attendance, coming up with creative ways to get fans involved, and always helping the team, our Bomb Squad is necessary to the spirit of our student body.Plays will be made, Staffs will be kissed, and the student body WILL believe that we will win


Everyone can agree that the New York Giants have not reached any sort of expectation this season. With their 2-6 start, the question everyone is asking  is… Why? All fans have different opinions on the 2013 team, and some simply say, “They stink.” While  I do agree that they are not playing well, more specific explanations need to be given for why they are one of the NFL’s worst teams. These Giants can’t score, stay healthy, and are constantly making stupid mistakes, which cost them games.
Eli Manning is not playing well compared to most NFL QB’s, but it is not ALL his fault. With his league leading 15 interceptions, he is costing the team. But I think if he just goes back to the basics and doesn’t try to do too much, he will eventually return to his 2011 self. If he can get more touchdown passes than interceptions (has 10 TD’s and 15 picks) and can move the football, they will have more of a chance to win games. The two-time Super Bowl MVP shouldn’t be getting all the blame for the disappointing start. With a subpar offensive line, and a secondary with complete inexperience, you can’t go straight to the QB.
The Giants offensive line has been a big reason in the poor start of 2013. With the hip injury of veteran and security blanket Chris Snee, they turn to guys like inexperienced rookie Justin Pugh to pick up the slack. Also, one of the Giants’ biggest mistakes was signing Will Beatty to a five-year, 38 million dollar deal. Beatty has been one of Eli’s worst pieces of protection, and in the spotlight he is not providing quality blocking. He has allowed a preposterous amount of sacks this season, and I often question how he gets paid all that money for doing a poor job. At 319 lbs with nothing but some slow feet and bad footwork, he has been one of the Giants’ biggest disappointments.
The unsolved running back issue has also been an x-factor in the 2-6 start. With Andre Brown, David Wilson, and Brandon Jacobs all hurt, they look to Peyton Hillis to be their guy. Fresh off a 2012 campaign of sitting out with multiple injuries and illnesses, I’ve even lost track of how many teams this guy has played for. Hillis needs to stay healthy if he wants to go back to his 2011 self of fighting for tough yards and moving the sticks. But I just don’t think he is a full time NFL back. He seems like a 3rd and 2 kind of guy, and this is just another sign of being desperate for the Giants.
On the defensive side of the ball, the Giants’ struggles have been very similar to the offense. Again with injuries, their inexperienced players haven’t been doing well. In the secondary, coverage has been a disaster. Corner Stevie Brown is out for the season. Also, veterans Aaron Ross and Corey Webster have been nicked up this year. Having Prince Amukamara, Will Hill, and Ryan Mundy back there, I would not feel too comfortable as the head coach, as those guys are extremely risky to have starting.
The linebackers also can’t make a tackle for their lives. Dan Connor had all sorts of hopes going into 2013, but guess what? He is on IR with a neck injury! I don’t think that Mark Herzlich and newly acquired Jon Beason will be able to do too much, since they simply are not that good. These are not the days of Lawrence Taylor anymore.
The defensive line has not been bad, but it could be better. Old age is very visible with Justin Tuck, along with interior lineman Linval Joseph. Jason Pierre-Paul is the future of this D-line, but his back has been giving him problems. If they can keep doing a pretty good job of getting to the quarterback, they will be fine. But they are not doing great. Everything could be better, since they are the worst team in the NFC East.
I would like to go into the positives of this season, but I can’t. There isn’t much brightness coming out of an 2-6 start. The Giants just need to start playing football, to MAYBE mount some sort of a comeback this year. But don’t get your hopes up, there’s work to do.

According to the BHS Boys Cross Country Team, they are looking the best they have in years. With 8 of their top 10 returning from last year’s squad, they see potential to bring home a Class MM State Championship. 
“I’m excited, very excited.” Coach Butt said. “The team has put in the work and they are ready.” 
      With the season underway Coach Butt has the boys lacing on the shoes and hitting the trails. BHS XC has also had the privilege of welcoming back one of the school’s all state runners, Taylor Phillips, a 2009 graduate. Coach Taylor is getting the team physically and mentally prepared having been in their shoes not too long ago. Tyler Mannion, one of the team’s captains and one of the team’s top runners has some words of his own.
“We are returning all of our top 7 except for 1 guy.” Tyler says. “We work hard, we play hard.” The camaraderie between the five seniors on the team is evident both on and off the trails.
The team got off to an outstanding start having beaten last year’s state open champion, New Milford. Also, it has been 20 years since Brookfield has defeated New Milford. Two of the team’s top runners, Parker Timmerman, an All State runner, and Cory Mccullough, are looking forward to a significant season as well.
“I love this team.” Parker says. “You need to hold the rope, you gotta want it.” The boys depend on each other to be the best competitors they can be.
Cory with motivational words of his own, “There is no off season. We got our miles in over the summer; we put the work in…Let’s go.”
The boys are hoping for a Class MM Championship this year as they have not won one in 26 years. This statistic doesn’t seem to stand in the way of the crew. Alex Smith (Smitty), one of the team’s top runners has some words of wisdom himself, “You could call us the dream team. We come to race, we come to win.” Each team member has a positive attitude and is full of confidence. A huge factor to the team’s success is their ability to push each other to their full potential.
This fall, BHS Cross Country will run their way to a state championship. With the team looking the best they have in years physically and mentally, a state trophy is within their sights.

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